Library Services

 Reading Services & Open Access System: Library is practicing Open access facility and all the library books classified (DDC) in order, you are free to choose any book in the library for reading in the library premises.                                                                                                                                   

 Document Lending Service: 
                    Membership registration,
                    Checkout, Check-in, Renewal of books
                    Lost book recovery

Reference Service: The reference services are provided to users in locating a book or periodical and giving instructions regarding the method of using the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).

 New arrivals list: When the new books added to our collection New Arrival list will be send through mail on regular intervals. Also this service is provided through the display of new books in new arrivals table

Internet / Wireless Service: IIIT-B Library is fully connected with WI-fi for the purpose of access of e-Journals, and various Educational Resources.

Book-Bank facility: Selected books are made available for issue for a period of one semester to the students, as per the schedule announced by the Library.

 Reprographic services: Photocopying/Xerox facility (both color and B&W) is available for the users in institute premises with nominal charges by Pvt Vendor. Students are discouraged from photocopying the entire book, and are advised to use the services within the copyright limits.

On-line public access catalogues: The Online Public Access catalog allows users to search all the bibliographic records available in the Library database through a web-based search interface of KOHA Library Management Software. OPAC can be searched by author, title, subject, call number, and ISBN. OPAC also allows library users know their checkout status, issue history and so on. (

CD-Rom data base access: A good collection of CD-ROM’s in various subjects is also available for access.

Inter library services: IIIT-B Library has institutional membership with British Library and IIM Bangalore. Faculty and students are encouraged to use the facilities.

Digital library services: Institute provides campus-wide IP-enabled subscription to the following e-resources ACM Digital Library, IEEExplore, JSTOR, MAA and SIAM collection. Users can access these resources from anywhere within the campus.

No due clearance: In case of staff/student leaving the institution on long leave/completed course/resignation/ retirement he / she should obtain a “No due Clearance” from the library by returning all the documents borrowed and paying overdue charges, if any.